Saturday 17 July 2010

On the Road

I'm currently in Krakow, Poland.

Since last posting basic timeline...

Day 1
Salisbury to Cologne
Via Dover, Ferry to France, Drive to Bruge, Pass through Netherlands, and Arrive in Germany.

Breakfast snack while waiting for the Ferry - chips (fries if American).
Lunch of English breakfast on the Ferry
Coffee Ice Cream for afternoon pick me up in Bruge
Dinner at hole in the wall kebab shop in Cologne

I drove most of the day 8am to sunsetish - though Lennox took over at night.

Day 2
Cologne to Dresden
Via many autobahns, many under construction. Also stopped in Arnstadt.

Breakfast at the hostel - bread and eggs with coffee
Late and long lunch in Arnstadt - pasta with chicken
Dinner - skipped. Too tired.

Drove all day, except when a U-turn was needed in Arnstadt

Day 3
Dresden to Krakow
via Czech Rep. Visited the ghetto and concentration camp in TerezĂ­n.

Breakfast - stuff from grocery store, bacon wrap
Lunch - traditional Czech fair according to the menu... sirlion in a brown sauce with cranberries and cream and dumplings. Actually delicious.
Dinner - egg sandwich from gas station - actually rather delicious.

Drove from morning till about 2 - then Lennox took over until round 11pm. Yay picture taking time.

We've had hot and humid weather, thunderstorms, and tonight I'm grateful to be in a hotel with an AC. If you want to see some photos from the trip or hear snippets I've been posting on my photoblog ( and twitter (

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